My First Week Sleeping in MountainAir™

I’ve been sleeping in my MountainAir™ enclosure tent for the last week.

Originally I was intrigued by the prospect of burning some fat off my body while I sleep. I have those pesky problem areas on my body. You know the ones. The area right below my belly button and those pesky love handles just never tighten up.

It’s too early to see visible results in my physique after only one week in MountainAir™. However, I’m already noticing differences in the overall quality of my sleep and my physiology upon waking up.

Generally, I fall asleep quickly. I am one of the lucky ones that can lay down and be unconscious within minutes. With MountainAir™ the transition to sleep is even faster. It’s been almost instantaneous.

For the past two nights, I have slept at my target relative altitude of 12,000 feet. On each of these evenings the oxygen percentage has been about 4% less than the air in the rest of my home. My blood oxygen levels have been stable and my slightly slower heart rate has remained constant as well.

Aside from the ease with which I’ve been drifting into dreamland, I’m also waking up feeling more adequately rested. I get out of bed feeling more refreshed than I ever have been before using the MountainAir™ Complete System.

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday and an intense work schedule this past week I’m only averaging 6.25 hours of sleep per night, but I still arise feeling better than I did with the same eight or nine hours a night before sleeping in the MountainAir™.

My body has been less sore in the morning. The rejuvenating sleep makes the days much more comfortable as well. I feel less aches and pains in my legs, lower back, and shoulders later in the day.

This first week of sleeping in my MountainAir™ has been extremely pleasant. It’s felt like a week of camping inside of my house, but I don’t have to worry about bears in my campsite or where I’m going to have to go to the bathroom.

I cannot wait to see what results I’ll have after the next full week at 12,000 feet.

To order your own MountainAir™ Complete System visit:
Mountain Air Health


~by John Andreula

John is a mountain life enthusiast and a user of the MountainAir™ Complete System.  He is not a Mountain Air Health Employee.

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